After receiving a Bachelor of Fine Arts from the University of Barcelona, I studied design in BCD, ceramics in Caoli and artistic engraving at the University of Barcelona. There my work is displayed in several public collections. My first solo exhibition was in the Interior Gallery Girona, in 1996. After that, I presented "Somnis" in space Gynaikos (Barcelona, 1997), "New-Art" with Gallery Joan Gaspar (Barcelona, 1998) and "Paintings - Drawings" on Joan Gaspar Gallery (Barcelona, 1998).
In 1999 I had an exhibition in the Gallery Marieta Gual (Mallorca) and two years later I went back to what has become my gallery since then, Joan Gaspar, with "Chiado" (Barcelona, 2001). In 2004 I brought up "Geologías" in Barcelona and Madrid, with Joan Gaspar Gallery. From 2006 to 2010 I had solo exhibitions in Mallorca and Lisbon. My work has been displayed in Arte Fiera Bologna (Italy, 2003-2004-2005) and Arco (Madrid, 2000-2004 and 2005).
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